Resident Camp
Resident Camp
Circle 10 Council | Camp James Ray | July 6th - 9th
Intro to Resident Camp
We will be attending Resident Camp as a Pack.
All forms will be turned into Lisa Bascom (Webelos Den Leader). She will also answer and questions you might have as we progress toward 4 FUN days and 3 nights at Camp James Ray on Lake Texoma!
Deadlines for Registration and payment is to the right under "Parent Action Items"
We will need 1 Adult to attend the camp for every 5 Scouts who register. Make plans to attend if at all possible
Cost For Resident Camp
$120 for Early Registration - $140 Otherwise
Early registration ends May 14th
Pack Deadline for Applications is March 9th at the Pack Meeting to ensure we get the dates we selected. DO NOT BE LATE.
Half the fees are due with application. If you are submitting a Campership Application it may pay the other half. This is based on need.
General Information about this Camp
July 6th - 9th (4 days, 3 Nights)
Dropoff: 11:00 AM Sunday, July 6th at Jackson Elementary
Pick-up: 11:00 AM Wednesday, July 9th at Jackson Elementary
Over 20 activities offered and most go toward Rank Advancement, Electives, and Beltloop requirements.
Swimming, BB, Archery, crafts, obstical course, fishing, food, and tons more
Paid staff leads the fun, adult volunteers needed to supervise and heard the boys toward the proper destination, and a boat load of activities await
The theme is "Western" which sounds like fun.
You will want to participate in this camp. It is a blast and the staff at camp is top notch.
Parent Action Items
Applications are closed
Visit our Documents page for all the forms and packets you can possibly need to register and learn the ins and outs.
Visit for additional details about this camp and other camps offered in the area in 2014.
Contact Lisa Bascom with Questions